My survey can be accessed at
Please select the drop-down menu response which best corresponds with your background and current employment situation:
Are you male or female?
a) Male
b) Female
What is your age?
a) 16-25
b) 26-30
c) 31-40
d) 41-50
e) 51-60
f) 61+
What is your educational background?
a) Less than high school
b) Graduated high school or GED
c) Some college or university
d) College diploma
e) University undergraduate degree
f) Master’s degree
g) Doctoral degree
How many years have you worked as a Human Resources professional?
a) 0-5
b) 6-10
c) 11-15
d) 16-20
e) 21-30
f) 31+
What is the size of the company you work for?
a) 1-20 employees
b) 21-50 employees
c) 51-100 employees
d) 101-200 employees
e) 201-500 employees
f) 501-1000 employees
g) 1001-9999 employees
h) 10,000+
What is your employer type?
a) For-profit organization
b) Non-profit organization
c) Government
d) Self-employed
Please select the response which best represents how you feel about the following scenarios:
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Unsure
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree
*Five-point Likert Scale retrieved from the Simply Psychology website which is viewable at
a) I often search job candidates using professional networking websites like LinkedIn.
b) I believe that LinkedIn is a good online tool to learn about job candidates.
c) I use LinkedIn because it is convenient and saves my organization the cost of having to use other candidate screening tools.
d) I trust the information that job candidates place on LinkedIn.
e) I assume that job candidates are not misrepresenting their identities on LinkedIn.
f) I use secondary sources such as references and a Google search to verify the accuracy of a job candidate’s information on LinkedIn.
g) I feel that job candidates with LinkedIn profiles are more credible than job candidates without LinkedIn profiles.
h) I am impressed by job candidates with extensive connections on LinkedIn.
i) I often question the LinkedIn connections and groups that job candidates are associated with.
j) For interviews, I ask candidates to bring in supporting documents to verify their LinkedIn information.
k) I find that LinkedIn helps me make an informed decision about job candidates.
l) I will continue to use LinkedIn on a regular basis.
m) LinkedIn is the best social media tool to learn about job candidates on the Internet.